Back row, left to right...
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Elmer Clarey, co-pilot
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Henry Muller, bombardier
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Edward Grooms, navigator
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William Prewitte, pilot
Not in the photo...
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Robert Mattson, ball turret gunner
Front row, left to right...
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Oliver Meredith, top turret gunner
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Edgar Foss, radio operator
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Charles Trout, engineer
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Charles Darter, line chief
• |
Edward Cromley, gunner
• |
Wilford Craig, nose gunner
Prewitte Crew 916 Summary
The Prewitte Crew was one of the original crews for the 492nd BG that trained in Alamogordo, New Mexico. They transferred in as crew 1645 from the CCTS (Combat Crew Training School) in Biggs, Texas, on 3 Mar 44. They were assigned to the 859th BS, designated as Crew 916.
1st Lt William Prewitte signed out for a B-24J 44-40154. To our knowledge they didn't nickname their plane. In April 1944, they flew their assigned aircraft to North Pickenham, England, via the southern route. Their ground crew chief, M/Sgt Darter, flew with them, thus bumping Sgt Mattson onto the Queen Elizabeth.
By our count, Lt Prewitte flew as the aircraft commander for Crew 916 for a total of 23 missions. We aren't positive of all of the personnel changes on some of their missions. We have learned that on the 18 Jul 44 Mission 52, the co-pilot traded places for the day with the co-pilot on the Leister Crew R-36. It was the new crew's first mission and the CO felt it would be better if someone experienced flew with them.
The Prewitte Crew 916 had some close calls. One time in particular was on 29 May 44 after a bombing raid on the oil refineries at Politz. Their assigned ship was too damaged to make it all of the way back to England so they arranged to be picked up upon a sea-ditch. All but the navigator, Muller, were rescued and RTD (Returned To Duty). MACR 5221.
Another close one was on 27 Jun 44. They encountered some heavy doses of flak. S/Sgt Craig took a six-inch piece in his leg that almost severed it. He took him four years to recover from his wound.
The worst was yet to come after they transferred to the 467th BG, 788th BS. On 16 Aug 44 they were shot down by another ship flying in their group while on a training exercise. During a test firing sequence, one of the guns' switches malfunctioned and accidently sprayed Prewitte's plane. Again Prewitte had to ditch his aircraft into the North Sea, but this time six men were KILOD (Killed In the Line Of Duty), including the pilot. See Prewitte Crash under Stories to the right.
In one of the earlier issues of the HAPPY WARRIOR newsletter, we found a story written by Robert Mattson, who survived both of the sea ditchings. We have his story reprinted here. See the Fortunes and Misfortunes of Crew 916 link located on the right side of this page.
More Info |
Original Roster for
Prewitte Crew 916
Position |
Name |
Rank |
Serial # |
Notes |
Pilot MOS 1024 |
Prewitte, William V |
1st Lt |
O-795075 |
RTD, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 10 Aug, transferred to 467th BG, 788th BS KILOD, 16 Aug 44 |
Co-Pilot MOS 1024 |
Clarey, Elmer W "Bill" |
2nd Lt |
O-702235 |
RTD, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 Promoted 1st Lt 10 Aug, transferred to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Navigator MOS 1034 |
Grooms, Edward C |
2nd Lt |
O-703244 |
RTD, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 Promoted 1st Lt 10 Aug, transferred to 467th BG, 788th BS KILOD, 16 Aug 44 |
Bombardier MOS 1035 |
Muller, Henry G |
2nd Lt |
O-694930 |
KIA, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 Wall of the Missing, Cambridge, England |
Engineer MOS 748 |
Trout, Charles M |
S/Sgt |
33325619 |
15 May, promoted T/Sgt RTD, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 10 Aug, transferred to 467th BG, 788th BS WIA, 16 Aug 44, returned to US |
Radio Operator MOS 757 |
Foss, Edgar J "Ed" |
Pfc |
37467565 |
Promoted Cpl 15 May, promoted Sgt RTD, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 1 Jun, promoted S/Sgt 10 Aug, transferred to 467th BG, 788th BS WIA, 16 Aug 44, returned to US |
Gunner MOS 748 |
Meredith, Oliver E |
Sgt |
33553487 |
15 May, promoted S/Sgt RTD, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 10 Aug, transferred to 467th BG, 788th BS KILOD, 16 Aug 44 |
Gunner MOS 748 |
Craig, Wilford K "Kay" |
Sgt |
38447738 |
15 May, promoted S/Sgt RTD, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 WIA, 27 Jun 44, returned to US |
Gunner MOS 612 |
Mattson, Robert L "Bob" |
Sgt |
19138530 |
Arrived to the UK via the Queen Elizabeth 15 May, promoted S/Sgt RTD, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 10 Aug, transferred to 467th BG, 788th BS WIA, 16 Aug 44, returned to US |
Gunner MOS 611 |
Cromley, Edward E "Ed" |
Sgt |
35358330 |
15 May, promoted S/Sgt RTD, 29 May 44, MACR 5221 10 Aug, transferred to 467th BG, 788th BS WIA, 16 Aug 44, returned to US |
Others Who Flew with Prewitte Crew 916
Crew Chief MOS 750 |
Darter, Charles F |
M/Sgt |
18101711 |
Flew to England with the crew |
Co-Pilot MOS 1024 |
Bales, John F |
1st Lt |
O-822920 |
From Leister Crew R-36 Flew w/crew, on 18 Jul 44 |
Prewitte Crew 916
492nd BG Mission Record
859th Bomb Squadron
Crew Mission Number |
Group Mission Number |
Group Mission Date |
Aircraft Serial Number |
Primary Target |
Mission Notes |
01 |
12 May 44 |
44-40154 |
Zeitz, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery |
02 |
13 May 44 |
Tutow, Germany |
Target: Airfield |
03 |
21 May 44 |
Siracourt, France |
Target: Crossbow (V-1 rockets) |
04 |
27 May 44 |
44-40154 |
Saarbrucken, Germany |
Target: Marshalling yard |
05 |
28 May 44 |
44-40154 |
Zeitz, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery Don't know if aborted or failed to bombed, credit unconfirmed |
06 |
29 May 44 |
44-40154 |
Politz, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery Lost, sea ditch, 1 KIA, 9 RTD, MACR 5221 |
07 |
11 Jun 44 |
41-29489 |
La Possonniere, France |
Target: Marshalling yard |
08 |
14 Jun 44 |
44-40130 |
Emmerich, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery |
09 |
15 Jun 44 |
41-29489 |
La Frilliere, France |
Target: Railroad bridge Bombed target in Le Mans |
10 |
17 Jun 44 |
42-110091 |
Tours, France |
Target: Airfield |
11 |
19 Jun 44 |
44-40130 |
Courbronne, France |
Target: Crossbow (V-1 rockets) |
12 |
20 Jun 44 |
44-40130 |
Politz, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery |
13 |
22 Jun 44 |
44-40130 |
Crepy, France |
Target: Crossbow (V-1 rockets) |
14 |
27 Jun 44 |
44-40130 |
Creil, France |
Target: Marshalling yard Shown on the mission log, but not on the formation sheet. A hard-to-read note said something about them being at Kings North. |
15 |
6 Jul 44 |
44-40120 |
Kiel, Germany |
Target: Shipyard |
16 |
8 Jul 44 |
44-40068 |
Alost, Belgium |
Target: Railroad bridge |
17 |
13 Jul 44 |
42-95234 |
Saarbrucken, Germany |
Target: Marshalling yard Bombed w/458th BG |
18 |
18 Jul 44 |
42-50580 |
Troarns, France |
Target: Tactical |
19 |
21 Jul 44 |
42-50611 |
Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany |
Target: Aircraft factory |
20 |
24 Jul 44 |
42-50737 |
St Lo area, France |
Target: Tactical |
21 |
1 Aug 44 |
42-50580 |
Anizy, France |
Target: Railroad bridge |
22 |
3 Aug 44 |
42-50580 |
Mery-sur-Oise, France |
Target: Crossbow (V-1 rockets) |
23 |
6 Aug 44 |
42-50611 |
Hamburg, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery Led B Section |