Back row, left to right...
• |
Robert Tressier, bombardier
• |
Theodore DeGood, co-pilot
• |
Irving Koltun, pilot
• |
John Brandenburg, navigator
Front row, left to right...
• |
Stephen Gilmore, radio operator
• |
Arthur Murphy, engineer, gunner
• |
Leonard Grab, right waist gunner
• |
Samuel Bryan, nose gunner
• |
Donald Chandler, , tail gunner
• |
Melvin Jacobson, top turret gunner
Koltun Crew R-10 Summary
The Koltun Crew was assembled at the Crew Assignment Center in Salt Lake City in late December 1943. For unknown reasons, one of their gunners never showed up. Come January the nine-man crew traveled by train to Pueblo, Colorado, for Combat Crew Training. They got there just in time to see the entire school (including themselves) pack up and move to Westover, Massachusetts.
Shortly after arriving to Westover, they got Leonard Grab as a replacement for their missing gunner. They completed their training in April and were sent to the UK as a replacement crew for the 8th Air Force.
They took the Northern route across the Atlantic flying a new B-24 loaded with supplies in the bomb bay. Upon reaching Nutts Corner, Northern Ireland, they were seperated from their plane. For the next few weeks they went through the 8th Air Force orientation classes before getting their group assignemnt.
The Crew arrived at North Pickenham on 27 May 1944 along with four other new crews. After completing some in-house training they were assigned to the 857th BS to replace the fallen Brague Crew 718. They were designated as replacement Crew R-10.
On 2 June, prior to flying their first mission, Koltun flew one with another crew in the co-pilot seat. This was standard practice in effort to better prepare a new pilot.
As a crew they flew their first combat mission on 4 June 44. They were able to get in 23 missions before the Group was disbanded in August. They had one change in personnel. On the 28 June 44 mission, Sgt Bryan was hit by flak costing him the tip of his index finger. He was hospitalized and grounded for a few months. By the time he recovered, the crew had finished their tour. Bryan completed his tour with a different crew at the 44th BG.
For the next two missions they were furnished a substitute for Bryan from other crews. On 12 July 44, S/Sgt Green was permanently assigned to take Bryan's place. He was orphaned from the Harris Crew 707 lost on 20 June 44. He was sick that day and missed the mission.
The Koltun Crew was fortunate to have missed the Group's two toughest missions as each time they happened to be on furlough. But this doesn't mean they always had easy ones. Many times they came back with their plane damaged and full of holes. They had a few rough landings. One time their hydraulic brake lines had been shot out and they could not stop. They ran off the end of the runway, through the security fence, crossed the public road and ended up in a muddy field.
We are led to believe that the bombardier, Lt Tresler, did all their missions. However, in June it was standard practice to take bombardiers off the replacement crews and have the nose gunner toggle the bombs when the lead plane dropped theirs. Although the Koltun Crew was not officially a lead crew, they did fly a few missions in either the lead or deputy lead position. By this time they were one of the oldest crews in the Group. In Sgt Grab's war diary he says on their 22nd mission they had a bombardier on board who was on his 30th mission so Koltun buzzed the base upon their return. Our guess is he was flying with them as a pilotage navigator. Wish we knew who he was.
When the Group disbanded they were seven missions short of a full combat tour. They were transferred to the 445th BG to finish their tour.
They weren't too impressed the 445th. Compared to the 492nd, there was a certain lack of discipline on missions they thought could prove costly. By this time all of the original 445th crews had finished their tours and the existing crews haven't done any battles with the Luftwaffe yet. There wasn't much about this group they did like. But they didn't say anything. They just wanted to finish their tour as soon as possible and go home. The other crews assumed they were green rookies and they didn't tell them any different.
After their last mission they let the cat out of the bag. They told the other crews about the 492nd and what tough missions were really like. They warned them that they were too laxed on missions and they could easily get clobbered. Needless to say, they didn't make any friends. While still there awaiting papers to go home, the 445th sent out 38 planes to bomb Kassel, Germany. They got slaughtered by the Luftwaffe and only four of their planes returned. The Koltun Crew didn't say anything or put salt in the wound. They just quietly left.
More Info |
Original Roster for
Koltun Crew R-10
Position |
Name |
Rank |
Serial # |
Notes |
Pilot MOS 1024 |
Koltun, Irving E |
2nd Lt |
O-693688 |
Promoted 1st Lt 10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Co-Pilot MOS 1024 |
DeGood, Theodore R |
2nd Lt |
O-760264 |
10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Navigator MOS 1034 |
Brandenburg, John T |
2nd Lt |
O-707479 |
10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Bombardier MOS 1035 |
Tresler, Robert L |
2nd Lt |
O-700118 |
10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Engineer MOS 748 |
Murphy, Arthur B |
S/Sgt |
38016918 |
Promoted T/Sgt 10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Radio Operator MOS 757 |
Gilmore, Stephen |
S/Sgt |
31303135 |
Promoted T/Sgt 10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Tail Gunner MOS 748 |
Chandler, Donald J |
Sgt |
16046589 |
Promoted S/Sgt 10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Top Turret Gunner MOS 748 |
Jacobson, Melvin L |
Sgt |
16134013 |
Promoted S/Sgt 10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Waist Gunner MOS 612 |
Grab, Leonard E |
Sgt |
36805353 |
Promoted S/Sgt 10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Nose Gunner MOS 612 |
Bryan, Samuel Jr |
Sgt |
18118630 |
28 June 44: WIA, hospitalized |
Others Who Flew with Koltun Crew R-10
Gunner MOS 612 |
Green, Gilbert F |
S/Sgt |
15078440 |
12 Jul 44: replaced Bryan Obtained from Harris Crew 707 10 Aug 44: transferred to 445th BG |
Koltun Crew R-10
492nd BG Mission Record
857th Bomb Squadron
Crew Mission Number |
Group Mission Number |
Group Mission Date |
Aircraft Serial Number |
Primary Target |
Mission Notes |
01 |
4 Jun 44 |
42-51118 |
Avord, France |
Target: Airfield |
02 |
6 Jun 44 |
42-51118 |
Normandy, France |
Target: D-Day invasion coast Bombed with another group |
03 |
8 Jun 44 |
42-50313 |
Angers, France |
Target: Railroad junction Bombed with another group |
Abort |
11 Jun 44 |
42-95220 |
Monfort, France |
Target: Bridge Aborted, uncredited |
04 |
12 Jun 44 |
42-51118 |
Dreux, France |
Target: Airfield |
05 |
14 Jun 44 |
42-51118 |
Emmerich, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery |
06 |
15 Jun 44 |
42-95230 |
La Frilliere, France |
Target: Railroad bridge A/C borrowed from 858th BS |
07 |
17 Jun 44 |
42-95177 |
Melun, France |
Target: Airfield |
08 |
18 Jun 44 |
42-51118 |
Luneburg, Germany |
Target: Airfield Bombed Nordenham |
09 |
19 Jun 44 |
42-95023 |
Courbronne, France |
Target: Crossbow (V-1 rockets) |
10 |
23 Jun 44 |
42-51171 |
Juvincourt, France |
Target: Airfield |
11 |
25 Jun 44 |
41-28978 |
Roye, France |
Target: Peronne Airfield |
12 |
28 Jun 44 |
44-40071 |
Saarbrucken, Germany |
Target: Marshalling yard Engaged Luftwaffe Bryan, WIA from Flak |
13 |
29 Jun 44 |
42-51091 |
Magdeburg, Germany |
Target: Aircraft Industry |
14 |
6 Jul 44 |
42-51118 |
Kiel, Germany |
Target: Shipyard |
15 |
12 Jul 44 |
42-51118 |
Munich, Germany |
Target: Railroad station |
Abort |
13 Jul 44 |
42-51118 |
Saarbrucken, Germany |
Target: Marshalling yard Aborted, uncredited |
16 |
16 Jul 44 |
42-51121 |
Saarbrucken, Germany |
Target: Marshalling yard |
17 |
18 Jul 44 |
44-40158 |
Troarns, France |
Target: Tactical |
18 |
21 Jul 44 |
42-51115 |
Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany |
Target: Aircraft factory |
19 |
29 Jul 44 |
42-51118 |
Oslebhausen, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery |
20 |
1 Aug 44 |
44-40211 |
Anizy, France |
Target: Railroad bridge A/C borrowed from 859th BS |
21 |
3 Aug 44 |
42-95220 |
Mery-sur-Oise, France |
Target: Crossbow (V-1 rockets) w/Maj Heaton Damaged by debris DeGood WIA |
22 |
6 Aug 44 |
42-51118 |
Hamburg, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery Aborted, credited |
23 |
7 Aug 44 |
42-51258 |
Ostend, Belgium |
Target: Oil dump |
Mission Record with the 702 BS, 445th BG
24 |
n/a |
15 Aug 44 |
383-X |
Zwischenahn, Germany |
Target: Airfield |
25 |
n/a |
27 Aug 44 |
340-B |
Oranienburg, Germany |
Target: Airfield |
26 |
n/a |
8 Sep 44 |
383-X |
Karlsruhe, Germany |
Target: Marshalling Yard |
27 |
n/a |
10 Sep 44 |
383-X |
Ulm, Germany |
Target: Marshalling Yard |
28 |
n/a |
11 Sep 44 |
526-R |
Hanover, Germany |
Target: Oil Refinery |
29 |
n/a |
12 Sep 44 |
308-Q |
Hanover, Germany |
Target: Oil Refinery Koltun's last mission |
30 |
n/a |
13 Sep 44 |
324-S |
Ulm, Germany |
Target: Tank Factory DeGood promoted to pilot Crew's last mission |