Back row, left to right...
• |
Fred Killmeyer, co-pilot
• |
W B Cook, bombardier
• |
Kenneth Ryan, navigator
• |
Clarence Schulze, pilot
Front row, left to right...
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Sgt John Salen, right waist gunner
• |
Roland Person, left waist gunner
• |
Frank Sanders, radio operator
• |
Leo Feeney, ball turret, nose gunner
• |
Roy Yarnell, engineer
• |
Frank Weirs, tail gunner
Schulze Crew R-39 (909) Summary
The Shulze Replacement Crew R-39 was formed at Charleston, South Carolina, where they trained until 8 Feb 44. From there they moved up to Westover, Massachusetts, to prepare for overseas movement. After going through additional training in the UK they were assigned to the 93rd BG. But before they could get settled in, they were reassigned to fill one of the many empty spots created by heavy losses within the 492nd.
They arrived at North Pickenham during July. After a little in-house training they were assigned to the 859th to replace Crew 909. Somewhere along the line their bombardier, Lt Cook, was cut from the roster. Perhaps he was placed in a Bombardiers Pool, which was becoming the standard practice in the 8th Air Force.
All records match the Crew's claim that they flew 8 missions with the 492nd. We aren't sure who was the bombardier on each these missions.
The Crew transferred to the 467th on 10 Aug 44. They were assigned to the 788th BS, designated as Crew 9. After a half of dozen missions, the Crew had a personnel change. Capt Shulze was reassigned to take over the Johnson Crew and was replaced by Lt Ehrlich from the Hudson Crew. The Shulze/Ehrlich Crew flew a total of 21 missions for the war effort.
More Info |
Original Roster for
Schulze Crew R-39 (909)
Position |
Name |
Rank |
Serial # |
Notes |
Pilot MOS 1024 |
Schulze, Clarence W "Dutch" |
1st Lt |
O-463820 |
Promoted Capt Transferred 10 Aug, to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Co-Pilot MOS 1024 |
Killmeyer, Fred J "Red" |
2nd Lt |
O-819536 |
Transferred 10 Aug, to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Navigator MOS 1034 |
Ryan, Kenneth M "Kenny" |
2nd Lt |
O-707330 |
Transferred 10 Aug, to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Bombardier MOS 1035 |
Cook, |
2nd Lt |
Was cut from the crew upon arrival to the UK |
Engineer MOS 748 |
Yarnell, Roy L |
S/Sgt |
36741616 |
Promoted T/Sgt Transferred 10 Aug, to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Radio Operator MOS 757 |
Sanders, Frank C |
S/Sgt |
17071411 |
Promoted T/Sgt Transferred 10 Aug, to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Waist Gunner MOS 611 |
Salen, John V |
Sgt |
33828348 |
Promoted S/Sgt Transferred 10 Aug, to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Waist Gunner MOS 611 |
Person, Roland F |
Sgt |
31379050 |
Promoted S/Sgt Transferred 10 Aug, to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Nose Gunner MOS 611 |
Feeny, Leo F |
Sgt |
31369816 |
Promoted S/Sgt Transferred 10 Aug, to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Gunner MOS 612 |
Wiers, Frank J |
Sgt |
36669449 |
Promoted S/Sgt Transferred 10 Aug, to 467th BG, 788th BS |
Others Who Flew with Schulze Crew R-39 (909)
Bombardier MOS 1035 |
Dolph, Herbert A |
1st Lt |
O-729541 |
From the Bombardier Pool |
Pilot MOS 1024 |
Ehrlich, Paul |
1st Lt |
O-764976 |
From the Hudson Crew R-25 Took over this crew during Oct at the 467th BG |
Bombardier PN MOS 1035 |
Stokes, George W |
2nd Lt |
O-716989 |
Not sure when he flew with this crew |
Bombardier MOS 1035 |
Beyer, John |
2nd Lt |
O-762892 |
Not sure when he flew with this crew |
Schulze Crew R-39 (909)
492nd BG Mission Record
859th Bomb Squadron
Crew Mission Number |
Group Mission Number |
Group Mission Date |
Aircraft Serial Number |
Primary Target |
Mission Notes |
01 |
16 Jul 44 |
44-40068 |
Saarbrucken, Germany |
Target: Marshalling yard |
02 |
18 Jul 44 |
44-40068 |
Troarns, France |
Target: Tactical |
03 |
19 Jul 44 |
44-40068 |
Russelheim, Germany |
Target: Marshalling yard Bombed Koblenz |
04 |
20 Jul 44 |
42-95234 |
Erfurt, Germany |
Target: Airfield |
05 |
25 Jul 44 |
42-51171 |
St Lo area, France |
Target: Tactical |
06 |
29 Jul 44 |
42-50737 |
Oslebhausen, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery |
07 |
31 Jul 44 |
42-50737 |
Ludwigshafen, Germany |
Target: Chemical plant |
08 |
1 Aug 44 |
42-50675 |
Anizy, France |
Target: Railroad bridge Damaged by Flak |