This afternoon mission was put together while the morning one was still progress. It called for two squadrons to hit a V-1 rocket base near Villers l'Hopital, France. The problem was that none of the groups in the 14th Wing had enough planes available to do the job. So, a makeshift group was formed by using whatever planes were available.
The 492nd sent 5 crews and planes to join the mission led by the 44th BG. The 392nd added its 3 available planes to the cause. We don't know how many groups participated in this, but they were able to make a 24-plane group.
Since milk runs into France are well protected by the 9th Air Force, the 36 escorts furnished by the 8th Air Force to cover the 154 bombers sent out that afternoon were plenty. No enemy fighters were encountered.
While flak had inflicted damage on several other planes during the afternoon job, the raiding force to Villers l'Hopital didn't report any damage themselves.
Oe have little information about the bombing results. About all we do know is that all 5 crews from the 492nd dropped on target.
It must have been nice to have lent out 5 crews to another group and have the mission count as one for the Group. All of the crews sent were replacement crews, but by now some of them were well seasoned and considered as one of the older crews.
The rumors around the base had gotten stronger. By now there were two main theories being predicted. One side said that their inside information swore that the Group wpuld be getting a new assignment. The other said that the Group was going to be completely reorganized. Some began looking forward to getting a new assignment, while others didn't. One thing that eveybody could agree on was that they didn't like being kept in the dark.