U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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Baby Boomerang (2009)
Starring: Mark W. Arnett, Charles W. Arnett
Director: Mark W. Arnett
Producer: Mark W. Arnett
2nd Lt Charles Arnett, pilot of the Arnett Crew 717, was shot down on 19 May 44 on the 492nd's Mission 05 to Brunswick, Germany, while flying the B-24 Boomerang. After the war, Charles went on to spawn seven baby boomers, the last of whom was Mark. Thus, the title of this film.
Mark Arnett starts "Baby Boomerang" with a simple goal: Make a documentary about World War II for people, like himself, who don't like documentaries.
He wants to tell the story of his father's World War II experience to the spoiled, pretentious, and ungrateful baby boomer generation that he belongs to. So, he begins the film in a way that he is sure baby boomers can relate to: he makes the film about himself.
The trailer says it all . . .
Format: NTSC, Color, Widescreen (16x9)
Region: All Regions
Run Time: 60 minutes
Best Documentary - Gone With The Film Festival - Hollywood
Silver Ace Award - Las Vegas International Film Festival
Best Documentary USA - International Christian Film Festival - UK
Best Documentary - Mormon Film Festival - Brussels, Belgium
Award of Excellence - The Accolade - La Jolla, CA
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492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project