U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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Daly Crew 605
 Daly Crew 605
Back row, left to right...
Robert Daly, pilot
James Brown, co-pilot
Cecil Richmond, bombardier
Ray Sizemore, navigator
Front row, left to right...
Harry Siemens, gunner
(name unknown), crew chief
Charles Joeckel, radio operator
Francis Williams, gunner
Charles Horton, gunner
John Hallenbeck, engineer
Daly Crew 605 Summary
The Daly Crew was one of the original crews for the 492nd BG that trained in Alamogordo, New Mexico. They transferred in as Crew 1636 from the CCTS (Combat Crew Training School) in Biggs, Texas, on 3 Mar 44. They were assigned to the 856th BS, designated as Crew 605.
Lt Robert Daly signed out for B-24J 44-40102. Their plane was named HEAVEN CAN WAIT. In April 1944, they flew their assigned aircraft to North Pickenham, England, via the southern route. Capt Chillcote, the Group's Aircraft Engineering Officier, accompanied them, thus bumping Sgt Williams onto the Queen Elizabeth.
By our count, Daly flew as the Aircraft Commander for Crew 605 for a total of 5 missions. Records show that there was one personnel change on their roster. However, it doesn't add up. Sgt Anzolone, originally with the Robert Murray CCT Crew 1662, flew over with this crew but flew his combat missions with the F Haag Crew 611. Sgt Williams, an original CCT member of this crew, isn't listed on any roster (boat or plane) going to England, but was flying with this crew when they were interned in Switzerland.
Crew 605 and their assigned ship did manage to survive the air battle encountered by the 492nd on 19 May 44 during their raid on a marshalling yard in Brunswick. With one engine gone, they were barely able to limp back to England, landing at the first base they could find, a British Mosquito base. Velarde flew over and picked them up.
On 27 May 44, their ship got shot up again while attacking a marshalling yard at Saarbrucken. The flak cost them two engines and a damaged rudder. With the plane crippled and not having enough fuel to reach England, Daly made the decision to go to Switzerland to be interned. The 10-man crew set down at Cointrin Airfield near Geneva. MACR 5209.
According to reports, Lt Daly escaped internment in Switzerland and returned to England in mid August of 1944. Later on Lt Brown tried to escape but was caught. Sgt Siemens escaped at different time. His story can be found in the book, REFUGE FROM THE REICH by Stephen Tanner. At this time we don't know if the others tried to escape.
More Info
( No other photos )
Daly CCT 1636
Murray CCT 1662
to the
to the
Links to missions
flown by the
Daly Crew 605
are below in their
Mission Record
Original Roster for
Daly Crew 605
Position / MOS Name Rank Serial # Notes
MOS 1024
Daly, Robert P 1st Lt O-728982 27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
MOS 1024
Brown, James S 2nd Lt O-702227 27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
MOS 1034
Sizemore, Ray F 2nd Lt O-703114 27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
MOS 1035
Richmond, Cecil L 2nd Lt O-696516 27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
MOS 748
Hallenbeck, John W S/Sgt 39552080 27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
MOS 757
Joeckel, Charles R S/Sgt 37414010 27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
MOS 611
Horton, Charles C Sgt 18226040 27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
MOS 612
Siemens, Harry J Sgt 19070027 27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
MOS 612
Anzolone, Joseph A Sgt 20217939 Reassigned from Robert Murray Crew 1662
Transferred to Haag Crew 611
Promoted to S/Sgt
7 Jul 44, shot down w/Haag, MACR 7238
POW, Stalag Luft IV
MOS 748
Ballew, Clarence L Sgt 34722325 Arrived to the UK via the Queen Elizabeth
27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
  Others Who Flew with Daly Crew 605
Staff Officer
MOS 4823
Chillcote, Donald G Capt O-359809 Group Engineering Officer
Flew to England with the crew
LW Gunner
Williams, Francis J Sgt 17120048 Original member of this crew
We don't know how he got to England
27 May 44, interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
Daly Crew 605
492nd BG Mission Record
856th Bomb Squadron
Primary Target Mission Notes
 Link to Mission 01 page 01
11 May 44 44-40102 Mulhouse, France Target: Marshalling yard
 Link to Mission 03 page 03
13 May 44   Tutow, Germany Target: Airfield
 Link to Mission 05 page 05
19 May 44 44-40102 Brunswick, Germany Target: Marshalling yard
 Link to Mission 08 page 08
24 May 44 44-40116 Melun, France Target: Airfield
 Link to Mission 09 page 09
25 May 44 44-40102 Belfort, France Target: Marshalling yard
Aborted, uncredited
 Link to Mission 10 page 10
27 May 44 44-40102 Saarbrucken, Germany Target: Marshalling yard
Lost: 10 interned in Switzerland
MACR 5209
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Page last modified Tuesday, October 4, 2011.