Back row, left to right...
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Devon Davis, pilot
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George Converse, co-pilot
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Albert Stone, navigator
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Richard O'Brian, bombardier
Not in the photo...
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Donald York, top turret gunner
Front row, left to right...
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Chester Dubrowolski, radio operator
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John Black, tail gunner
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Fred Hearn, crew chief
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Robert Lindsey, nose gunner
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Arthur Bourdlais, engineer
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Lemuel Newsom, ball turret gunner
Davis Crew 704 Summary
The Davis Crew was one of the original crews for the 492nd BG that trained in Alamogordo, New Mexico. They transferred in as crew 1648 from the CCTS (Combat Crew Training School) in Biggs, Texas, on 3 Mar 44. They were assigned to the 857th BS, designated as Crew 704.
Capt Devon Davis signed out for a B-24J, 44-40137. The Crew nicknamed their ship "WHATSNEXTDOC?" In April 1944, they flew their assigned aircraft to North Pickenham, England, via the southern route. Their Ground Crew Chief, Sgt Hearn, flew with them, thus bumping Sgt York onto the Queen Elizabeth.
Shortly after arriving to North Pickenham the crew's engineer, Art Bourdlais, blew an ear drum while on a practice excersise. By the time he recovered, not only his crew had been transferred but the entire group had been disbanded. He was reassigned to the 490th BG, 850th BS, (a B-17 unit) where he became the engineer for one of their Pathfinder crews. He got in 24 combat missions before the war ended.
By our count Capt Davis flew as the aircraft commander for Crew 704 for a total of 7 missions plus an aborted one. We can't be positive of all of the personnel changes on some of their missions. It's always possible that the bombardier could have missed some of the earlier pathfinder missions.
The Davis Crew 704 was transferred to the 44th BG, 66th BS on 10 June 44. The transfer order shows them with an extra bombardier. Perhaps a pilotage navigator.
The Davis Crew 704 was replaced by the Testa Crew R-13.
More Info |
Original Roster for
Davis Crew 704
Position |
Name |
Rank |
Serial # |
Notes |
Pilot MOS 1024 |
Davis, Devon M |
Capt |
O-424408 |
Transferred to 44th BG, 66th BS |
Co-Pilot MOS 1022 |
Converse, George A |
2nd Lt |
O-702241 |
Promoted 1st Lt Transferred to 44th BG, 66th BS |
Navigator MOS 1034 |
Stone, Albert E |
2nd Lt |
O-704090 |
Promoted 1st Lt Transferred to 44th BG, 66th BS |
Bombardier MOS 1035 |
O'Brian, Richard L |
F/O |
T-123002 |
Transferred to 44th BG, 66th BS |
Engineer MOS 748 |
Bourdlais, Arthur L |
S/Sgt |
36451407 |
Did not fly any 492nd missions Hospitalized for blown eardrum Transferred to 490th BG, 850th BS Promoted T/Sgt |
Radioman MOS 757 |
Debrowolski, Chester T |
S/Sgt |
32691747 |
Promoted T/Sgt Transferred to 44th BG, 66th BS |
Gunner MOS 748 |
Newsom, Lemuel L |
Sgt |
34663544 |
Promoted S/Sgt Transferred to 44th BG, 66th BS |
Gunner MOS 612 |
Black, John C |
Sgt |
12180960 |
Promoted S/Sgt Transferred to 44th BG, 66th BS |
Gunner MOS 748 |
Lindsey, Robert O |
Sgt |
34613746 |
Promoted S/Sgt Transferred to 44th BG, 66th BS |
Gunner MOS 611 |
York, Donald E |
Sgt |
16089253 |
Arrived to the UK via the Queen Elizabeth Promoted S/Sgt Transferred to 44th BG, 66th BS |
Others Who Flew with Davis Crew 704
Crew Chief MOS 750 |
Hearn, Fred K |
Sgt |
35531881 |
Flew to England with the crew 27 Jul; MOS 750 changed to 747 |
Bombardier MOS 1035 |
Keenan, Thomas J |
2nd Lt |
O-694452 |
Obtained from Jaques Crew 909 Transferred to the 44th BG with this crew as an extra bombardier |
Engineer MOS 748 |
Barthlett, Ellis E |
Sgt |
34704052 |
Obtained from replacement pool Transferred to 44th BG with this crew |
Davis Crew 704
492nd BG Mission Record
857th Bomb Squadron
Crew Mission Number |
Group Mission Number |
Group Mission Date |
Aircraft Serial Number |
Primary Target |
Mission Notes |
01 |
12 May 44 |
44-40137 |
Zeitz, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery Deputy Lead w/Robinson |
02 |
15 May 44 |
44-40137 |
Siracourt, France |
Target: Crossbow (V-1 rockets) |
03 |
24 May 44 |
44-40071 |
Melun, France |
Target: Airfield |
04 |
29 May 44 |
44-40071 |
Politz, Germany |
Target: Oil refinery Led B Section w/Byrne Landed at Oulton |
05 |
31 May 44 |
44-40158 |
Brussels, Belgium |
Target: Marshalling yard |
Abort |
4 Jun 44 |
42-95177 |
Avord, France |
Target: Airfield Aborted, uncredited |
06 |
6 Jun 44 |
44-40168 |
Caen, France |
Target: D-Day invasion coast |
07 |
10 Jun 44 |
44-40168 |
Orleans/Bricy, France |
Target: Airfield |