The Allies needed the 8th Air Force to go deep again. The majority of the targets were oil refineries in central Germany. The 492nd was assigned to hit a refinery near Zeitz. It was their second time going there.
The Group participated with 26 of their ships and crews. Of the 24 credited sorties, 23 were able to put their bombs on the target.
Fighter escort for the 492nd was very good.
The Luftwaffe was up in full force. Fortunately for the 492nd and most of the 2nd Air Division, the Luftwaffe decided to concentrate on the other two divisions.
Flak was reported to be very light over Zeitz.
As the Group reached their IP, the Munson Crew 814 discovered that they couldn't open their bomb bay doors. The crew's radio operator, S/Sgt Eckstrom, went out on the catwalk and physically forced opened the doors. His ordeal earned him the Distinguished Flying Cross.
The target was hit with good results.
All of the aircraft returned to base in good order.
Considering that their target was in the heart of Germany, the Group had an easy mission. Of course, no one was told about the other groups. They didn't know that 32 bombers had been lost. But eventually the news would trickled in and the crews would figure it out. An easy day meant another group was slugging it out. And eventually every group would fall into some "hard luck."