The Group was ordered to attack a chemical plant in Ludwigshafen, Germany. They dispatched 28 planes under the command of Lt Col Turnbull, the Group Operations Officer. He flew on one of the Pathfinders provided by another group, probably from the 44th. None of the planes had to abort.
The Heath diary said the Group had good fighter protection. It could be that the small escort force flew in view of the 492nd. Either way, no enemy aircraft attacked the Group.
The Luftwaffe was definitely seen, though. On the return trip a pair of German jet fighters buzzed the Group in a teasing fashion. They were showing off. They didn't attack or fire their guns. It seemed as if they just wanted to scare the crews for future missions.
Sgt Heath said in his diary that he hadn't seen this much flak since they went to Politz and Berlin. The 392nd made note that the flak over the target was intensive and accurate. Many planes suffered flak damage. The 2nd Air Division lost 6 planes on this run, but the 492nd didn't lose any.
All the planes in the Group were able to drop their bombs on target, or at least they placed them where the Pathfinder told them to. The target was obscured by an undercast sky and the bombing results could not be observed.
Today was one of the most exciting days in the 492nd. The O'Sullivan Crew 713 was on their last mission to complete their full tour of 30 missions. They were still flying in their original plane IRISHMAN'S SHANTY. If their mission was successful, then many would feel that the jinx was broken. They barely made it back, shot up by flak.
When they returned, General Leon Johnson, the commander of the 14th Wing, was there to greet his champions with cold champagne, photographers and medals. It was as if the 4 minute mile had been broken. Dashing Dave O'Sullivan had become a legend in the 492nd's history.
A new feeling was in the air at North Pickenham. Some of the crews were very close to finishing their tour. They felt if the O'Sullivan Crew made it, there was a chance they might, too.