The weather was still bad. However, the 8th Air Force put up what it could to support the ground troops in Normandy. The 492nd was ordered to participate in two missions. If we read things right, the day's first mission's primary target was a bridge at the town of La Possonniere, southwest of Angers. This mission took off around 0300.
Of the 25 planes dispatched, 22 of them were credited. One aborted for mechanical problems while two couldn't find the formation. Lt Orthman, the pilot of Crew 806, led the mission. The 492nd itself wasn't led by Pathfinders, but the 14th Wing was. According to the Heath War Diary, this job called for low level bombing with each plane carrying four 2000 pounders.
Like all of the missions to France, the fighter protection was overwhelming.
We haven't read anything that gives any indication of resistance encountered by the 492nd. The Group's sister, the 392nd BG, was on the same mission. They reported seeing no enemy fighters but did have some minor damage to meager flak. The 8th Air Force did lose some planes, so the Germans did have something out there. But the Group did not suffer any losses or damages.
The Pathfinders leading the 14th Wing couldn't loacate the target, nor could it be found visually. The groups within the 14th Wing had to search around for a worthwhile target. Most of the planes of the 492nd and 392nd found an enemy camp next to a railroad marshalling yard at Montauban. They hit both the camp and the yard. One of the Group's attacking planes wasn't able to drop its bombs.
It's doubtful if anyone at North Pickenham knew that they were originally scheduled to go back into Germany instead of France. But bad weather had postponed the deep drives forcing the 8th Air Force to continue bombing support for the ground troops in Normandy. The Group would get another week of "milk runs" before returning to Germany. As for the Luftwaffe, they used the time to prepare themselves. They would be ready and waiting.
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Mission Data |
11 Jun 44
La Possonniere, France
Bridge, Marshalling yard
Bomb Load
GP 2000 lbs
Enemy Action
Counter Action
492 Casualties