U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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Database of 492nd Bomb Group Personnel, Index - N
Rank Crew/Unit Fate/Notes 49 
Nabozny, A R
M/Sgt 856th MOS 405
Nagle, E A
Sgt 2967th 30 Jul MOS 624 to 622
Nagler, H
F/O R-20 Transferred 44th BG
Nagy, A J
Cpl 859th 31 Jul transferred in
Namiotka, F J
S/Sgt 856th n/a
Napientek, C
2nd Lt 618 Transferred 44th BG
Nedalrod, E J
Sgt 859th n/a
Neely, W C
S/Sgt 712 Completed 30 mission tour
Neff, S E
Capt 479th n/a
Negro, F
Sgt 857th 2 Aug MOS 620 to 747
Neilson, I L
Sgt 858th MOS 748 Engineer
Nelson, A C
1st Lt 706 Transferred 448th BG
Nelson, H A
S/Sgt R-29 Transferred 458th BG
Nelson, M V
Cpl 326th n/a
Nelson, S B
2nd Lt 492nd 7 Jun to 326th
Nelson, T A
Capt 859th Armament Officer, transferred 467th BG
Nendel, J D
2nd Lt R-26 Transferred 801st/492nd BG
Neve, F J
Cpl 856th n/a
Newman, C J
1st Lt 913 KIA 7 Jul 44
Newson, L L
S/Sgt 704 Transferred 44th BG
Newton, E E
S/Sgt 914 Transferred 467th BG
Newton, N W
S/Sgt R-49 Transferred 467th BG
Nicholas, P J
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 405
Nichols, M B
Sgt 479th n/a
Nichols, R E
2nd Lt 705 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Niles, E
S/Sgt 326th squadron supply
Nill, W H
S/Sgt R-52 Transferred 467th BG
Nixon, J R Jr
S/Sgt 913 POW 7 Jul 44
Noble, G J
Cpl 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 405
Noceti, J J
S/Sgt 2967th 30 Jul MOS 624 to 622
Noland, A W
Sgt 492nd Transferred out at Alamogordo
Nonemaker, R L
2nd Lt R-35 Transferred 36th BS (RCM)
Nonnemacher, H M
S/Sgt 858th 14 Mar transferred in, MOS 258
Nordholm, J L
T/Sgt R-37 Transferred 467th BG
Norgard, L O
S/Sgt 811 n/a
Norman, J D
Pfc 856th 30 Jul MOS 521 to 590
Norris, E A
Pfc 326th n/a
Norton, R E
2nd Lt R-33 Interned 21 Jul 44, Switzerland
Novak, G
Cpl 858th n/a
Novobilski, A
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 754
Novotny, H M
S/Sgt R-06 KIA 7 Jul 44
Novotny, R G
Pfc 326th 30 Jul MOS 650 to 050
Nozling, C W
S/Sgt 917 Transferred 467th BG
Nunnery, C F
Pfc 326th n/a
Nursall, L
S/Sgt 802 KIA 19 May 44
Nutt, J A
2nd Lt R-28 Transferred n/a
Nydam, E
T/Sgt 856th Crew Chief, MOS 750
Nyetrae, S J
T/Sgt 479th n/a
Nyhoff, I G
T/Sgt 856th 8 Jul transferred in, MOS 748
If not assigned to a crew, the Crew column will show the Squadron number (ie; 857th),
Group number (ie; 492nd) or Attached Unit number (ie; 326th) at North Pickenham.
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Latest database listing added or modified Thursday, February 27, 2014.