U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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Database of 492nd Bomb Group Personnel, Index - E
Rank Crew/Unit Fate/Notes 54 
Eagan, C G
S/Sgt 715 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Earl, R H
T/Sgt 707 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Earleywine, W W
Capt 901 Transferred 44th BG
Early, H N
S/Sgt R-17 n/a
Easley, J N
S/Sgt 717 POW 19 May 44
Eason, W W
Sgt R-19 KIA 7 Jul 44
Eastland, W F
T/Sgt R-23 Transferred 467th BG
Easton, C R
2nd Lt 602 Interned 29 May 44, Sweden
Eatherton, G L Jr
S/Sgt 812 KIA 20 Jun 44
Eaton, R
T/Sgt 857th 8 Jul transferred in; MOS 612
Eaves, L R
S/Sgt 859th 15 Jul to 492nd
Eckstrom, J E
T/Sgt 814 Interned 6 Jul 44, Sweden
Edelman, G
Sgt 859th Transferred out at Alamogordo
Edenburn, M W
1st Lt R-08 Transferred 467th BG
Edenstrom, H W
Sgt R-50
Edison, J
Cpl 857th Air Echelon, MOS 631
Edmisson, R R
Pvt 858th MOS 747; 19 Jun to 859th
Edwards, E M
2nd Lt R-04 Transferred 801st/492nd BG;
aka Murrel Hollopeter
Edwards, G D
S/Sgt 713 Completed 30 mission tour
Edwards, H H
2nd Lt 706 23 Jun Squadron Navigator
Edwards, J L Jr
2nd Lt 2108th n/a
Edwards, M G
2nd Lt R-61 Transferred 467th BG
Edwards, P H
S/Sgt 618 WIA 11 May 44, returned to US
Egan, H H
Pfc 856th n/a
Egge, K A
Cpl 479th n/a
Ehlers, D R
Sgt 326th n/a
Ehrlich, P
1st Lt R-25 Transferred 467th BG
Ehrnmann, B T
2nd Lt 813 POW 19 May 44
Eicher, L L
S/Sgt R-45 Transferred 453rd BG
Eichler, M W
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 747
Eiferman, I J
S/Sgt 603 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Eiloo, M J
T/Sgt R-17
Einsig, S F
Pfc 1261st n/a
Eixenberger, E M
Sgt 857th n/a
Eldridge, E
Cpl 326th n/a
Elkins, J J
Pfc 326th 30 Jul, MOS 521 to 060
Ellis, J K
T/Sgt 858th n/a
Ellis, L W
Sgt 492nd 17 Jun to 1261st MP
Elrick, L K
Sgt 856th n/a
Emery, J W
T/Sgt R-53 Transferred 466th BG
Emmert, H D
Cpl 859th n/a
Emrich, S L
S/Sgt R-28 n/a
Engler, F J
Cpl 856th n/a
Enloe, W L
Sgt 856th n/a
Ennis, L C
S/Sgt 706 Transferred 44th BG
Erdman, W E
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 807; 30 Jul MOS to 805
Eske, H C
S/Sgt 326th n/a
Espinoza, A A
Pfc 326th 17 May MOS 590 to 675; 30 Jul, MOS 521 to 590
Estelle, W E
2nd Lt 492nd 27 May transferred in; 12 Jul to 326; 31 Jul to 856
Estep, S K
Cpl 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 901
Ester, E E
S/Sgt 613 KIA 20 Jun 44
Etkin, W
Sgt 858th n/a
Evans, J A Jr
S/Sgt R-04 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Everett, L E
Maj 479th n/a
If not assigned to a crew, the Crew column will show the Squadron number (ie; 857th),
Group number (ie; 492nd) or Attached Unit number (ie; 326th) at North Pickenham.
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Latest database listing added or modified Friday, February 28, 2014.