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Database of 492nd Bomb Group Personnel, Index - B
Rank Crew/Unit Fate/Notes 310 
Baade, R E
Cpl 858th n/a
Baarsch, G E
2nd Lt 613 Transferred 44th BG
Babb, O E
Cpl 326th n/a
Baber, C B
Sgt R-55 Transferred 467th BG
Babitz, B
1st Lt 907 Transferred 467th BG
Bachman, H M
2nd Lt 802 KIA 19 May 44
Backowski, C R
Cpl 858th 19 Jun; to 856, MOS 405
Backowski, H J
Pfc 858th 19 Jun; to 856, MOS 612
Bade, C C
Pvt 882nd n/a
Bagnosco, A
2nd Lt 805 POW 19 May 44
Bailey, D M
Capt 1261st obtained from 1287th MP
Bailey, E R
S/Sgt R-08 n/a
Bailey, J L
Cpl 326th n/a
Bailey, W D
2nd Lt R-27 Transferred 36 BS (RCM)
Baker, F X
Sgt 602 Interned 29 May 44, Sweden
Baker, F S
2nd Lt 859th n/a
Baker, J W
Pvt 479th 5 Jun; MOS 685 to 521
Baldwin, I B
Sgt 859th 30 Jul, MOS 755 to 756
Bales, J E
Cpl 859th 19 Jun to 858; MOS 409
Bales, J F Jr
1st Lt R-36 Transferred 467th BG
Ball, L G
Sgt 859th n/a
Ball, O K
1st Sgt 859th 30 Jul, MOS 585 to 502
Ballard, C P
S/Sgt R-27 Transferred 36th BS (RCM)
Ballew, C L
Sgt 605 Interned 27 May 44, Switzerland
Baltzley, R R
Cpl 858th 19 Jun; to 857, MOS 911
Barber, B F
S/Sgt 856th KIA 6 Aug 44 w/Pitsenbarger Crew R-26
Barefoot, C L
1st Lt R-07 Transferred 44th BG
Barkell, C F
2nd Lt R-03 Transferred 446th BG
Barker, C D
2nd Lt R-58 Transferred 467th BG
Barnard, H
Sgt 479th n/a
Barnett, H B
Pfc 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 409
Barnett, J P
S/Sgt 702 Transferred 44th BG
Barnett, K W
T/5 1450th 7 Aug, MOS 931 to 815
Barnfather, P R
S/Sgt 479th n/a
Barnhart, V V
M/Sgt 492nd 30 Jul w/856, MOS 752 to 750
Barnhill, E F
F/O 809 POW 7 Jul 44
Barraza, J B
Cpl 479th n/a
Barrett, C W
Capt 859th Intelligence Officer, MOS 9301
Barrett, H G
2nd Lt R-05 Interned 18 Jun 44, Sweden
Barrett, J F
Capt 492nd Asst Operations Officer, MOS 2161
Barrios, D A
T/Sgt R-08 Transferred 467th BG
Barris, F G
S/Sgt 1261st 8 Jul transferred in; MOS 612
Barron, L G
Pfc 1234th n/a
Bartel, R C
2nd Lt 604 POW 20 Jun 44
Barthelemy, H E
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 747
Barthlett, E L
Sgt 859th 30 May; transferred in, MOS 748
Bartlett, A C
M/Sgt 857th Crew Chief, MOS 750
Bartosh, A P
Cpl 479th n/a
Bartus, J A
Cpl 856th n/a
Bashor, W D
S/Sgt 612 KIA 20 Jun 44
Baska, H O
S/Sgt 859th n/a
Bastian, W C Jr
Sgt R-48 n/a
Bastien, C R
1st Lt 714 Transferred 448th BG
Batke, H R Jr
S/Sgt R-42 Transferred 467th BG
Batterson, R C
T/Sgt 858th 19 Jun; to 859th, MOS 911
Battle, W L
Maj 858th 1943; Executive Officer
Bauer, G W
Cpl 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 932
Baumgardner, E W
S/Sgt 610 n/a
Baxter, P S Jr
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 405
Baxter, R C
1st Lt 701 Transferred 44th BG
Beall, R W
M/Sgt 859th Crew Chief, MOS 750
Beaman, R P
T/Sgt 492nd MOS 754; 15 Jul reassigned to crew R-31
Beamer, R J
T/Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 678
Bean, E A
S/Sgt R-28 n/a
Beard, B H
2nd Lt R-58 Transferred 467th BG
Beard, C W
1st Lt 603 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Beard, J R Jr
Sgt 858th 19 Jun; to 856, MOS 620
Bearey, T G
T/Sgt 857th 11 Jul, transferred in; MOS 686
Beasley, F R
Sgt R-32 Transferred 406th BS
Beasley, H E
S/Sgt 613 KIA 20 Jun 44
Beasley, W H Jr
S/Sgt 707 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Beatty, F G
1st Lt R-42 Transferred 467th BG
Beck, H
Pfc 326th MOS 067
Becker, F A
S/Sgt 858th 19 Jun; to 859, MOS 683
Becker, G J
T/Sgt 915 KIA 18 Jun 44
Bedard, D E
2nd Lt R-55 Transferred 467th BG
Bedell, O P
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 747
Bedur, R O
S/Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 405
Beeler, E H
Sgt 326th n/a
Behrens, M J
2nd Lt 613 Transferred 44th BG
Belcher, J E
Sgt R-29 Transferred 466th BG
Bell, J R
S/Sgt 710 Transferred 44th BG
Bellamy, R E
2nd Lt 609 KIA 20 Jun 44
Belson, EL Jr
S/Sgt 856th n/a
Bender, C E
S/Sgt 492nd 30 Jul, MOS 663 to 911
Benham, J E Jr
2nd Lt R-56 Transferred 467th BG
Benner, R E
Cpl R-54 Transferred 467th BG
Bennett, Clayton
2nd Lt R-25 Navigator, Did not go to England with the crew
Bennett, H J
Cpl 492nd MOS 405
Bennett, J S
Sgt 1234th n/a
Bennett, M S
Sgt R-59 Transferred 467th BG
Bennett, P
2nd Lt 857th 1943; Engineering Officer
Bento, W
T/Sgt R-21 Transferred Air Transport Command
Benton, F B
F/O 918 POW 7 Jul 44
Berg, A
S/Sgt 615 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Berger, J T
Sgt R-51 Transferred 467th BG
Berger, W C
T/Sgt 702 Transferred 44th BG
Bergey, E
S/Sgt 326th 28 May; to 856, MOS 677
Bergles, E J
Pfc 859th 30 Jul, MOS 932 to 901
Bernard, A H
M/Sgt 858th Crew Chief, MOS 750
Berner, J E
Sgt R-52 Transferred 467th BG
Bernhard, R J
S/Sgt 857th reassigned to 858, MOS 405 to 585, 1st Sgt
Bernick, S P
T/5 882nd n/a
Berry, W O
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 747
Bessette, R A
S/Sgt 914 Transferred 467th BG
Bethke, G A
2nd Lt 902 POW 7 Jul 44
Bettge, C H
Pvt 857th 3 Aug transferred in, MOS 911
Bevilaqua, F J
Pfc 1450th n/a
Beyer, J
1st Lt R-36 Transferred 467th BG
Bickley, A J
Cpl 492nd 30 Jul, MOS 056 to 055
Bidwell, C E
Sgt R-52 Transferred 467th BG
Biggins, J A
Sgt R-16 KIA 7 Jul 44
Billiard, F E
1st Lt 816 Interned 11 Jul 44, Switzerland
Billing, W R
2nd Lt R-17
Bingaman, P G
S/Sgt 857th Crew Chief, MOS 750
Bingham, H B
S/Sgt 859th 3 Aug, MOS 056 to 055
Bingham, J H
Sgt 1450th 7 Aug, MOS 405 to 815
Biorge, I C
2nd Lt R-30
Birch, A L
Pvt 1450th 31 Jul, MOS 014 to 965
Bitzel, D
Cpl 856th n/a
Bixel, A O
S/Sgt 858th n/a
Black, C H
Sgt R-01 KIA 23 Jun 44
Black, H W
Pfc 882nd n/a
Black, H G
1st Lt 856th n/a
Black, J C
S/Sgt 704 Transferred 44th BG
Blackwell, C M
1st Lt 859th 1943; Bombardier
Blackwood, S E
1st Lt 859th 1943; Adjutant
Blanco, P F
Pfc 858th n/a
Bland, B A
1st Lt 326th May: reassigned to 856th
Blanich, L D
2nd Lt R-46 Transferred 467th BG
Blase, J J
Cpl 856th n/a
Blaylock, W F
T/Sgt 858th n/a
Bleacher, L
Pvt 859th 30 Jul, MOS 521 to 590
Blechinger, F X
2nd Lt R-35 Transferred 36th BS (RCM)
Bledsoe, A W
Maj 326th Commanding Officer
Blevins, D B
Cpl R-61 Transferred 467th BG
Bliss, C E
Cpl 326th 30 Jul, MOS 056 to 650
Bliss, J
F/O R-26 Transferred 801st/492nd BG
Bliss, W L
M/Sgt 859th Crew Chief, MOS 750
Blocher, M
T/Sgt 859th Crew Chief, MOS 750
Bloomdahl, E L
Cpl 856th 11 Jul transferred in; MOS 686
Bochat, K P
1st Lt 857th Squadron Supply Officer
Bocksberger, A C
2nd Lt R-15 KIA 7 Jul 44
Boeschenstein, A C
S/Sgt 612 KIA 20 Jun 44
Boggs, D W
Cpl 857th Air Echelon, MOS 405
Bolduc, F O
Cpl 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 685
Boling, C R
S/Sgt R-16 KIA 7 Jul 44
Bolte, E C
S/Sgt 812 KIA 20 Jun 44
Bonacci, D
Cpl 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 754
Bonaccorsi, J J
Cpl 492nd 30 Jul, MOS 677 to 590
Bond, R Jr
S/Sgt 903 Transferred 467th BG
Bonk, J E
Pfc 1261st n/a
Bonkowski, A J
S/Sgt 914 Transferred 467th BG
Bonner, W W
M/Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 513
Bonomi, J G
Cpl 326th n/a
Boos, P V
2nd Lt R-02 Transferred 44th BG
Booth, E E
S/Sgt 856th KIA 20 Jun 44 with Abbott Crew 609
Booth, W G Jr
Cpl 859th n/a
Bopp, C L
Sgt 859th 11 Jul transferred in; MOS 747
Bordas, W
Sgt 856th n/a
Borden, J H
T/Sgt 859th n/a
Borton, H W
Cpl 857th n/a
Boslem, C H
Cpl 326th n/a
Boston, L D Jr
S/Sgt 858th n/a
Boswell, W B
1st Lt R-43 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Both, H Jr
2nd Lt R-44 POW 4 Aug 44
Bourdlais, A L
S/Sgt 704 n/a
Bovee, C L
Pfc 326th n/a
Cpl 856th hard to read
Bowen, L K
Sgt R-19 KIA 7 Jul 44
Bowerman, Q R
1st Lt 914 Transferred 467th BG
Bowers, R E
S/Sgt 811 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Bowersox, A H
Cpl 326th n/a
Bowland, O T
1st Lt R-11 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Bowler, A J
Sgt 858th 19 Jun; to 859th, MOS 945
Bowling, H C
Cpl 479th 31 Jul, MOS 256 to 573
Bowman, J L
Capt 914 Transferred 467th BG
Bowman, J R
Sgt R-33 Interned 21 Jul 44, Switzerland
Boyce, W J
Pfc 859th 30 Jul, MOS 521 to 590
Boyd, D H
Cpl 492nd 25 May to 857, MOS 405
Boyd, K A
2nd Lt 859th 1943; Pilot
Boyer, T A
S/Sgt R-37 Transferred 467th BG
Boyle, G G
Pfc 479th n/a
Boyle, W F
T/Sgt 858th 19 Jun; to 859, MOS 754
Brackins, D L
S/Sgt R-06 KIA 7 Jul 44
Brackmann, J F Jr
Sgt 859th Transferred out at Alamogordo
Bradbury, G F
1st Lt 808 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Bradford, J D
T/Sgt 708 Transferred 44th BG
Bradley, J E
Sgt 859th 31 Jul, transferred in
Bradley, R F
T/Sgt 712 Completed 30 mission tour
Brady, D L
Sgt R-56 Transferred 467th BG
Brague, R J
2nd Lt 718 KIA 19 May 44
Branch, J M Jr
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 911, turret specialist
Branch, W D
Pvt 326th n/a
Branch, W G
S/Sgt 602 Interned 29 May 44, Sweden
Brandenburg, J T
2nd Lt R-10 Transferred 445th BG
Brandenburg, L H Jr
T/Sgt R-32 Transferred 406th BS
Brandon, J W
S/Sgt 1261st 8 Jul transferred in; MOS 612
Brandt, J S
Cpl 2967th 30 Jul, MOS 624 to 622
Brandt, K E
S/Sgt 603 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Brandt, S J
S/Sgt R-35 Transferred 36th BS (RCM)
Branham, E W
Cpl 858th n/a
Brann, C A
T/Sgt 1261st 8 Jul trsnsferred in; MOS 748
Brantley, H E
2nd Lt 905 KIA 19 May 44
Brasier, C O
1st Lt R-46 Transferred 467th BG
Braun, J L
F/O R-17
Bray, O A
S/Sgt 858th 19 Jun; assigned to 857th, MOS 678
Brdecka, V J
Sgt 918 KIA 7 Jul 44
Breckels, M R
Pvt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 521 to 590
Breckenridge, C H
Sgt 709 KIA 19 May 44
Breckenridge, M J
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 555 or 755
Bremena, A G
2nd Lt 859th 1943; transferred out
Bremer, E F
Sgt 326th n/a
Brewer, C A
Cpl 857th Air Echelon, MOS 861
Brewer, M E
S/Sgt 811 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Brewington, J F
S/Sgt 609 n/a
Bridge, R E Jr
S/Sgt R-13 Transferred 44th BG
Bridges, W M
1st Lt 702 Transferred 44th BG
Briggs, G A
S/Sgt 859th 25 Jun; MOS 747 to 750
Briggs, J B
1st Lt 857th Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden; Sq Bombardier
2nd Lt 1450th Ordnance Officer
Bristlin, W C
S/Sgt 905 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Britt, F A
S/Sgt 614 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Britts, D H
S/Sgt 858th n/a
Broadbent, D E
Pvt 1450th 31 Jul, MOS 014 to 965
Broderick, J J
M/Sgt 326th 23 May; MOS 097 to 261
Brody, R
Sgt 492nd n/a
Bronson, J E
2nd Lt R-09 KIA 20 Jun 44
Brookings, M O
T/Sgt 479th n/a
Brooks, L W
Sgt 802 KIA 19 May 44
Brooks, T
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 901
Bross, J J
Pfc 1261st n/a
Brothers, E F
1st Lt R-23 Transferred 467th BG
Brown, A O
Pfc 1450th 7 Aug, MOS 677 to 835
Brown, C L
T/Sgt 909 Transferred 467th BG
Brown, C E
T/Sgt 909 n/a
Brown, D W
T/Sgt 910 KIA 7 Jul 44
Brown, F A
Cpl 326th n/a
Brown, G J
S/Sgt 706 Transferred 44th BG
Brown, G F
Cpl 858th n/a
Brown, H P
M/Sgt 858th w/856; 30 Jul, MOS 752 to 750
Brown, H R
Sgt 479th n/a
Brown, J R
T/Sgt 915 KIA 18 Jun 44
Brown, J S
2nd Lt 605 Interned 27 May 44, Switzerland
Brown, J D
T/Sgt 906 POW 12 Jul 44
Brown, K P
T/Sgt 606 Transferred 44th BG
Brown, L B
Cpl 859th n/a
Brown, M E
1st Lt 612 KIA 20 Jun 44
Brown, O A
Sgt 479th n/a
Brown, O W
S/Sgt 607 KIA 4 Jun 44
Brown, R P
T/5 1261st n/a
Brown, R B Jr
Cpl R-58 Transferred 467th BG
Brown, S A
S/Sgt 701 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Brown, W D
Pfc 859th n/a
Bruce, E W
1st Lt 856th 25 May: transferred in
Brunelle, T V
Sgt 479th n/a
Bruner, L C
Cpl 858th n/a
Bruton, E J
2nd Lt 610 KIA 20 Jun 44
Bryan, C J
T/Sgt R-45 Transferred 453rd BG
Bryan, R W
Cpl 857th Air Echelon, MOS 678
Bryan, S Jr
Sgt R-24 Transferred 44th BG
Bryant, C M
Pfc 858th n/a
Brzenk, T J
Pfc 1261st n/a
Brzozowski, J S
S/Sgt 815 KIA 7 Jul 44
Buchanan, W P
Cpl 857th n/a
Buckholz, R W
F/O R-33 Interned 21 Jul 44, Switzerland
Buede, F M
S/Sgt 326th n/a
Bugaj, E C
Sgt 859th MOS 521 to 611; 18 Jun; to 857th
Bullard, J D
1st Lt 492nd Finance Officer
Bullinger, A O
S/Sgt 910 KIA 7 Jul 44
Bullock, T A
Sgt 813 n/a
Bump, G C
Sgt R-33 Interned 21 Jul 44, Switzerland
Bundy, K D
2nd Lt 712 Completed 30 mission tour
Bunnell, C D
1st Lt 614 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Burch, C W
S/Sgt 808 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Burchard, C Jr
1st Lt 708 Transferred 44th BG
Burden, R H
Pfc 1261st n/a
Burford, H L
Sgt 479th 31 Jul, MOS 256 to 573
Burgess, H E
Capt 857th Intelligence Officer; MOS 9301
Burkett, J F
S/Sgt R-22 Transferred 93rd BG
Burkhalter, H B
2nd Lt 707 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Burks, J L
Pfc 326th 30 Jul, MOS 521 to 650
Burns, J P
S/Sgt R-15 POW 7 Jul 44
Burns, L R
Sgt R-47 KIA 6 Aug 44
Burns, N E
2nd Lt 601 Transferred 44th BG
Burns, W P
Sgt 859th 13 Jul, transferred in; MOS 748
Burr, E P
S/Sgt 817 POW 29 May 44
Burrell, C E
S/Sgt 859th MOS 405; 25 May, to 492nd; 16 Jun, to 858th
Burris, H H
Cpl 859th n/a
Burris, S H
M/Sgt 614 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Burroughs, J
2nd Lt 817 POW 29 May 44
Burstyn, H M
2nd Lt R-59 Transferred 467th BG
Burton, J R
Sgt 717 POW 19 May 44
Burzelic, M Jr
Sgt R-48 Interned 4 Aug 44, Sweden
Busby, B B
M/Sgt 859th Crew Chief; MOS 750
Butcavage, C A
Pvt 326th 28 May; to 857th, MOS 677
Butcher, C C
Cpl 492nd n/a
Butt, J R
1st Lt 326th 11 Jun; transferred in
Butti, L
T/Sgt R-38 Transferred 467th BG
Butts, G W
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 678
Buxton, D R
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 678
Bye, A E
S/Sgt R-21 Transferred 466th BG
Byers, L A
S/Sgt R-06 KIA 7 Jul 44
Byers, W E
1st Lt 859th 15 Jun; transferred in
Bykowski, E
Pfc 479th n/a
Byram, W E Jr
Pfc 1450th 31 Jul, MOS 521 to 590
Byrd, J H
Cpl 856th n/a
Byrd, J W Jr
F/O R-16 POW 7 Jul 44
Byrne, A P
Capt 857th KIA 6 Aug 44, Operations Officer
Byrne, R H
2nd Lt R-37 n/a
If not assigned to a crew, the Crew column will show the Squadron number (ie; 857th),
Group number (ie; 492nd) or Attached Unit number (ie; 326th) at North Pickenham.
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Latest database listing added or modified Friday, February 28, 2014.