U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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Database of 492nd Bomb Group Personnel, Index - G
Rank Crew/Unit Fate/Notes 161 
Gaba, J J
S/Sgt 706 Transferred 44th BG
Gagnon, R
Pfc 326th n/a
Gaines, I L
1st Lt 715 Transferred 44th BG
Gall, A S
1st Lt 616 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Galley, W M
Sgt 856th n/a
Ganders, S H
M/Sgt 710 transferred in at Kansas
Gantzer, T
T/5 882nd n/a
Gard, M A
2nd Lt 809 POW 7 Jul 44
Gardner, J D
Cpl 858th n/a
Garea, J J
Cpl 859th n/a
Garfinkle, A D
1st Lt 858th 1943, Communications Officer
Garland, R J
2nd Lt 857th Communications Officer
Garlisch, W F
Pfc 857th 8 Jun MOS 521 to 345
Garrett, H N
S/Sgt 711 Transferred 44th BG
Garrett, H V
T/Sgt 914 Transferred 467th BG
Garrett, P E
2nd Lt 858th 1 Mar transferred in from 445th BG, 700 BS
Garside, W H
T/Sgt 702 Transferred 44th BG
Garvey, J P
Cpl 326th n/a
Garza, N E
Sgt 856th n/a
Gaskin, B G
Sgt R-49 Transferred 467th BG
Gatlin, W C
S/Sgt 709 POW 19 May 44
Gaul, C E
S/Sgt 718 KIA 19 May 44
Gaulke, F D
2nd Lt 602 Interned 29 May 44, Sweden
Gavin, T A
2nd Lt 710 Transferred 44th BG
Gavitt, E M
2nd Lt 717 POW 19 May 44
Gavitt, F P
T/Sgt 606 Transferred 44th BG
Geach, J T
Cpl 479th n/a
Geedy, R H
2nd Lt R-42 n/a
Gegenheimer, J E
T/Sgt R-13 Transferred 44th BG
Geier, F T
Pfc 1261st n/a
Geller, W
Sgt 856th MOS 611
Gendreizig, H G
Capt 613 n/a
Gentry, J L
Cpl 326th n/a
George, H H
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 824
Gerber, G D
S/Sgt R-52 Transferred 467th BG
Gerbyshak, E J
Sgt R-61 Transferred 467th BG
Gerlach, R C
S/Sgt R-55 Transferred 467th BG
Gerlinski, L
S/Sgt 912 Transferred 467th BG
Germain, J B
Sgt 326th 17 May MOS 056 to 405
Germany, C L
Sgt 479th n/a
Gerrity, M V
Sgt 856th 30 Jul MOS 755 to 756
Gerstein, S
Cpl 326th n/a
Geschel, W K
F/O R-54 Transferred 467th BG
Getchell, L A
S/Sgt 857th 4 May transferred in, MOS 612
Getzels, I
T/Sgt R-28
Gholson, H L
1st Lt 326th 18th Weather Squadron; died 20 May 44
Giacometti, R A
S/Sgt 815 n/a
Giacomini, M J
Cpl 859th n/a
Giangregorio, L
T/5 1261st 7 Aug MOS 301 to 677
Gibbs, E C
Pfc 1450th 31 Jul MOS 521 to 590
Gibbs, L H
1st Lt 479th n/a
Giblin, R C
S/Sgt R-52 Transferred 467th BG
2nd Lt 492nd S-4; not sure if assigned to squadron
Gicinto, J Jr
Pfc 856th n/a
Gidel, P M
S/Sgt 810 Interned 18 Jun 44, Sweden
Gietz, H R
Capt 492nd Group Chaplain; MOS 5710
Giguere, A R
S/Sgt R-46 Transferred 467th BG
Giguere, O E
Sgt R-49 Transferred 467th BG
Gilbaugh, W H
Cpl 858th n/a
Gilbert, C L
T/Sgt R-20
Gilbert, M D
S/Sgt 712 Completed 30 mission tour
Gilbertson, L A
Sgt R-61 Transferred 467th BG
Gill, D F
2nd Lt 856th MOS 1034, Navigator
Gillen, T L
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 747
Gillet, J S
Sgt R-05 KIA 20 Jun 44
Gillette, G J
Sgt R-31 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Gillette, M
T/Sgt R-46 Transferred 467th BG
Gilley, J A
T/Sgt 807 Transferred 44th BG
Gilligan, J F
S/Sgt R-41 Interned 21 Jul 44, Switzerland
Gilmore, S
T/Sgt R-10 Transferred 445th BG
Gilruth, J A
1st Lt 911 Transferred 467th BG
Ginter, E D
Cpl 858th 19 Jun to 859th; MOS 932
Girty, D H
2nd Lt 908 Completed 30 mission tour
S/Sgt 2108th n/a
Glasgow, C E
Sgt 905 POW 19 May 44
Glass, B
2nd Lt R-53 n/a
Glaudel, C W
Pvt 326th 28 May to 857th, MOS 677
Gleason, I G
2nd Lt 815 KIA 7 Jul 44
Glenister, J A
T/Sgt 856th 8 Jul transferred in; MOS 748
Glickman, M
S/Sgt R-08 Transferred 467th BG
Glowashi, E J
Sgt 479th n/a
Gluckler, G F
Sgt 859th n/a
Godshalk, G R
2nd Lt 859th 30 May transferred in
Godwin, B
Sgt 859th 30 Jul MOS 521 to 590
Goerndt, W W
S/Sgt 807 Transferred 93rd BG
Goerner, W H
Sgt 856th n/a
Goins, R J
Pvt 1261st 31 Jul MOS 590 to 677
Goldcamp, F J
2nd Lt R-20 Transferred 801st/492nd BG
Goldman, M M
Cpl 858th 19 Jun to 859th, MOS 405
Goldman, R S
T/Sgt R-23 Transferred 467th BG
Goldsmith, E
Cpl 858th 19 Jun to 859th, MOS 747
Goldstein, S D
2nd Lt 859th Communications Officer; MOS 0200
Golen, T J
Pfc 326th 30 Jul MOS 603 to 601
Goloven, R
2nd Lt 611 POW 7 Jul 44
Gomez, J J
Cpl 856th n/a
Gonsalves, M L
Cpl 859th n/a
Goode, R E
Pfc 326th n/a
Goodhue, W S
Capt 856th Intelligence Officer; MOS 9301; 13 Jun to 492nd
Goodman, D R
S/Sgt R-37 Transferred 467th BG
Goodridge, M K
1st Lt 812 POW 20 Jun 44
Goodwin, H L Jr
S/Sgt 909 Transferred 467th BG
Goodwin, L
2nd Lt 857th 13 Apr transferred in, Asst Engineering Officer
Goolsby, J B
M/Sgt 857th Crew Chief, MOS 750
Gordon, D T
2nd Lt 492nd 1943, Statisical Officer
Gore, F R
Pvt 326th 28 May to 858th, MOS 677
Gorham, J F
T/Sgt 479th n/a
Gossett, E E
Capt 708 Transferred 44th BG
Gotchall, Lewis W
S/Sgt 857 Tech. Supply, Unit Salvage Officer
Gotta, R F
Sgt 479th MOS 821; Signal Corps
Grab, L E
S/Sgt R-10 Transferred 445th BG
Grabelsky, L
2nd Lt 856th MOS 1034, Navigator
Grabowski, M C
Pvt 1450th 7 Aug MOS 055 to 590
Gracey, E J
T/Sgt 856th n/a
Gracy, C M
2nd Lt 859th 1943, Ordinance Officer
Graf, R G
1st Lt R-24 Transferred 44th BG
Graham, H W
2nd Lt 856th 1943, Navigator
Graham, J L
S/Sgt R-44 POW 4 Aug 44
Graham, J A
1st Lt 857th 13 Apr transferred in, Adjutant; 4 Aug to 326th
Graham, J C
Cpl 856th n/a
Graham, R F
2nd Lt 917 Transferred 467th BG
Graham, T R
Capt 614 23 Jul 856th Operations Officer
Gram, R K
Pvt 857th 30 Jul MOS 521 to 590
Grant, A T Jr
Sgt R-29 Transferred 466th BG
Grant, H S
2nd Lt R-48 Interned 4 Aug 44, Sweden
Grant, L
T/Sgt 859th n/a
Graulich, W S
T/5 1234th 30 Jul MOS 055 to 405
Graven, T A
1st Lt 710 Transferred 44th BG
Gravens, F B
Sgt 807 Transferred 93rd BG
Gray, J W C
2nd Lt R-48 Interned 4 Aug 44, Sweden
Gray, M Jr
F/O R-08 Transferred 467th BG
Graywacz, M E
Cpl 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 056; 3 Aug MOS to 055
Greany, T E
S/Sgt 701 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Green, A H
2nd Lt 857th Engineering Officer
Green, E L
Cpl 479th n/a
Green, F R
1st Lt 859th Assistant Operations Officer; MOS 2161
Green, G F
S/Sgt 707 Transferred 445th BG
Green, J R
T/Sgt 914 Transferred 467th BG
Green, J J
2nd Lt 814 Interned 6 Jul 44, Sweden
Green, R
Pfc 858th n/a
Greenberg, H
Pfc 857th 30 Jul MOS 521 to 590
Greene, D
T/Sgt 712 Completed 30 mission tour
Greenwood, C E Jr
S/Sgt 606 Transferred 44th BG
Gregory, G
T/Sgt 713 Completed 30 mission tour
Grettum, R B
Capt 714 Promoted to staff
Grief, L P
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 747
Grill, M R
2nd Lt R-19 KIA 7 Jul 44
Grimm, C W Jr
T/Sgt 607 KIA 4 Jun 44
Grissen, H
Sgt R-43 Transferred 801st/492nd BG
Grooms, E C
1st Lt 916 KIA 29 May 44
Grossman, M
2nd Lt R-11 POW 20 Jun 44
Grular, C W
2nd Lt R-50
Guarnieri, A J
Sgt 858th 19 Jun to 857th, MOS 256
Guidroz, H F Jr
F/O R-44 POW 4 Aug 44
Guillory, J C
Sgt 479th n/a
Guinn, I C
Sgt R-44 POW 4 Aug 44
Guiser, D E
Cpl 857th n/a
Gullet, L F
Cpl 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 901
Gumb, P M
Pfc 856th 7 Jun MOS 521 to 256; 30 Jul MOS to 590
Gustofson, L E
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 750
Guy, G F
Sgt 802 KIA 19 May 44
Gwaltney, E F
M/Sgt 857th Ground Echelon; MOS 513; MOS 752; MOS 750
If not assigned to a crew, the Crew column will show the Squadron number (ie; 857th),
Group number (ie; 492nd) or Attached Unit number (ie; 326th) at North Pickenham.
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Latest database listing added or modified Tuesday, March 29, 2022.