U S Army Air Force/8th Air Force/2nd Air Division/14th Bomb Wing/492nd Bomb Group (Heavy)
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Database of 492nd Bomb Group Personnel, Index - J
Rank Crew/Unit Fate/Notes 80 
Jackowski, C J
S/Sgt 326th n/a
Jacks, R H
1st Lt 903 POW 7 Jul 44
Jackson, A G
2nd Lt 913 POW 7 Jul 44
Jackson, C E
Pfc 326th n/a
Jackson, H J
S/Sgt 479th n/a
Jackson, H H
S/Sgt 856th 7 Jun MOS 747 to 750
Jackson, J L
T/Sgt 906 POW 12 Jul 44
Jackson, M M
S/Sgt 856th n/a
Jackson, M L
1st Lt R-43 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Jackson, R E
1st Lt 608 n/a
Jacobs, A C
Cpl 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 747
Jacobs, B P
2nd Lt R-47 KIA 6 Aug 44
Jacobs, D M
F/O R-45 Transferred 453rd BG
Jacobs, F W Jr
2nd Lt R-56 Transferred 467th BG
Jacobson, M L
S/Sgt R-10 Transferred 445th BG
Jagnow, G T
2nd Lt 479th n/a
Jahnke, P L
Sgt 859th n/a
Janota, E
Pvt 1261st 31 Jul MOS 590 to 677
Janski, J R
Sgt 856th 19 Jun to 858th, MOS 747
Janton, R C
M/Sgt 859th Transferred 467th BG
Jaques, L Jr
Capt 909 POW 7 July 44
Jaromin, T W
Pfc 856th 7 Aug to 326th
Jaroscak, R
Sgt 856th n/a
Jarosz, S B
T/Sgt R-04 Transferred 801/492nd BG
Jennings, N W
T/5 1234th n/a
Jensen, E S
Sgt 856th 30 Jul MOS 747 to 750
Jensen, M H
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 673
Jenson, W C
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 747
Jeroloman, H A
Cpl 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 521
Jester, W H
S/Sgt 814 Interned 6 Jul 44, Sweden
Jewett, C M III
S/Sgt R-25 Transferred 467th BG
Jezior, J
S/Sgt R-11 KIA 20 Jun 44
Jick, L E
S/Sgt 326th n/a
Jobe, J R
Sgt 856th 7 Jun MOS 056 to 747
Jobe, W H
T/5 1261st n/a
Joeckel, C R
S/Sgt 605 Interned 27 May 44, Switzerland
Johansson, K G
M/Sgt 857th MOS 752; 30 Jul MOS to 750
Johnson, A T
T/Sgt 856th n/a
Johnson, A
Sgt 856th n/a
Johnson, C W
Capt 903 Transferred 467th BG
Johnson, C F
Pfc 479th n/a
Johnson, C
1st Lt 859th n/a
Johnson, F C
2nd Lt R-44 POW 4 Aug 44
Johnson, H E
S/Sgt 705 Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden
Johnson, J A
2nd Lt 856th Armament Officer; MOS 4822
Johnson, J A
S/Sgt 856th 7 Jun MOS 747 to 750
Johnson, J L
Sgt 857 1 Aug, S/Sgt
Johnson, J L
S/Sgt R-29
Johnson, L P
2nd Lt R-18 Transferred 467th BG
Johnson, M C
2nd Lt 859th 1943, Pilot
Johnson, M W
Sgt 802 KIA 19 May 44
Johnson, M
Sgt 859th Transferred out at Alamogordo
Johnson, R E
1st Lt 858th 2 Jun transferred in; 19 Jun to 859th
Johnson, R W
S/Sgt R-25 Transferred 467th BG
Johnson, R H
2nd Lt 805 POW 19 May 44
Johnston, D E
Pfc 858th MOS 405; 19 Jun to 859th; 2 Aug to 1261st MP
Johnston, W A
2nd Lt R-59 Transferred 467th BG
Jones, A E
S/Sgt 858th n/a
Jones, E
2nd Lt R-22 Transferred 93rd BG
Jones, E
Sgt R-48 Interned 4 Aug 44, Sweden
Jones, E W
Pfc 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 345
Jones, G B Jr
T/Sgt 492nd n/a
Jones, G S
2nd Lt 492nd n/a
Jones, H E
Capt 858th Intelligence Officer, MOS 9301; 13 Jun to 856th
Jones, J V
Sgt 479th n/a
Jones, K
S/Sgt 479th n/a
Jones, L J
Pfc 857th 30 Jul MOS 521 to 590
Jones, L
Sgt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 685
Jones, W C
Pvt 857th Ground Echelon, MOS 405
Jordan, C J
Sgt R-49 Transferred 467th BG
Jordan, C L
Pfc 859th 30 Jul MOS 521 to 590
Jordan, W
S/Sgt R-17
Jordon, M C
S/Sgt 857th Crew Chief, MOS 750
Joseph, F L
Pfc 1261st n/a
Josephson, A
F/O 859th MOS 1035 Bombardier
Josephson, R E
S/Sgt 804 Completed 30 mission tour
Joslin, A C
1st Lt 858th 1 Mar transferred in from 445th BG, 700 BS
Joyce, F N Jr
Cpl 479th n/a
Joyce, J E
S/Sgt 859th Transferred out at Alamogordo
Junio, S B
Pfc 858th n/a
If not assigned to a crew, the Crew column will show the Squadron number (ie; 857th),
Group number (ie; 492nd) or Attached Unit number (ie; 326th) at North Pickenham.
492ndBombGroup.com — an Arnett Institute project
Latest database listing added or modified Friday, February 28, 2014.