Database of 492nd Bomb Group Personnel, Index - P |
Pabst, L C |
Pfc |
492nd |
2 Jun to 326th |
Paczkowski, C P |
Pfc |
326th |
n/a |
Padgett, M M |
Pvt |
859th |
18 May transferred in, MOS 590 |
Page, J J |
2nd Lt |
R-05 |
KIA 20 Jun 44 |
Page, J L |
Sgt |
R-40 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Paine, C L |
S/Sgt |
856th |
n/a |
Palasch, G C |
S/Sgt |
859th |
Transferred out at Alamogordo |
Palermo, J S |
1st Lt |
807 |
Transferred 44th BG |
Palma, A A |
Cpl |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 911 |
Papermeyer, A |
Sgt |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 686 |
Parent, R S |
Sgt |
R-61 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Parke, H W |
T/Sgt |
R-27 |
Transferred 36th BS (RCM) |
Parker, G J |
1st Lt |
711 |
Transferred 44th BG |
Parker, G W |
Pfc |
326th |
30 Jul MOS 060 to 333 |
Parker, H E |
Sgt |
R-30 |
Transferred n/a |
Parker, H S |
Sgt |
R-55 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Parker, J M |
M/Sgt |
1450th |
31 Jul MOS 413 to 965 |
Parker, S C |
Capt |
857th |
Adjutant |
Parnell, G C Jr |
Sgt |
R-40 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Parrish, H G |
Sgt |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 747 |
Parten, D O |
Sgt |
856th |
Transferred out at Alamogordo |
Parvi, H E |
S/Sgt |
R-40 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Pascual, R |
1st Lt |
801 |
KIA 7 Jul 44 |
Pattangall, M Jr |
2nd Lt |
R-38 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Patten, J F |
Cpl |
492nd |
n/a |
Patterson, J E |
2nd Lt |
810 |
Interned 18 Jun 44, Sweden |
Patterson, R E |
Sgt |
R-12 |
KIA 20 Jun 44 |
Capt |
917 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Paules, R L  |
T/Sgt |
603 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Pauley, R H |
Cpl |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 747 |
Paulin, H D |
1st Lt |
882nd |
Paulson, D L |
T/Sgt |
707 |
Interned 20 Jun 44, Sweden |
Paulson, R M |
S/Sgt |
R-16 |
KIA 7 Jul 44 |
Pawlak, T J |
Sgt |
859th |
n/a |
Payne, E A |
Capt |
326th |
Medical Corps; May to 2nd BD HQ |
Peacock, D J |
Pfc |
857th |
30 Jul MOS 521 to 590 |
Pearce, I R |
S/Sgt |
608 |
KIA 20 Jun 44 |
Pearce, W F |
Cpl |
857th |
Air Echelon, MOS 405 |
Pearson, J T |
Sgt |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 747 |
Pease, R |
2nd Lt |
R-38 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Pechewlys, P J |
S/Sgt |
R-24 |
Transferred n/a |
Pederson, K S |
T/Sgt |
R-20 |
Transferred 458th BG |
Peirson, F J |
S/Sgt |
479th |
n/a |
Pelkey, E E |
Capt |
815 |
KIA 7 Jul 44 |
Pellegrino, C H |
Sgt |
859th |
Transferred out at Alamogordo |
Pelletier, R A |
S/Sgt |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 747 |
Pellow, E V |
Cpl |
859th |
n/a |
Peltz, V |
S/Sgt |
818 |
KIA 19 May 44 |
Pemberton, E |
M/Sgt |
479th |
n/a |
Penberthy, R W |
S/Sgt |
902 |
POW 7 Jul 44 |
Pender, T W |
Cpl |
479th |
n/a |
Peradotto, L |
Cpl |
858th |
n/a |
Perelman, L |
2nd Lt |
856th |
1943, Communications Officer |
Perkins, J T |
Pfc |
326th |
28 May to 856th, MOS 522; 30 Jul, MOS to 590 |
Perkins, P A |
1st Lt |
492nd |
WP |
Perrault, A L |
Pfc |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 861 |
Perrotti, P |
S/Sgt |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 060; 8 Jun MOS to 824 |
Perry, D L |
T/Sgt |
492nd |
MOS 620 |
Perry, M D |
Cpl |
326th |
30 Jul MOS 055 to 590 |
Perry, P J |
S/Sgt |
618 |
Transferred 36th BS (RCM) |
Perry, P W |
2nd Lt |
R-21 |
Transferred 466th BG |
Perry, W J |
Sgt |
703 |
Completed 30 mission tour |
Perry, W J Jr |
S/Sgt |
857th |
n/a |
Person, R F |
S/Sgt |
R-39 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Petelle, E H |
S/Sgt |
710 |
Transferred 44th BG |
Peters, J |
S/Sgt |
856th |
7 Jun MOS 405 to 502 |
Peters, J F |
2nd Lt |
R-52 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Peters, J L |
F/O |
R-14 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Peters, J F |
S/Sgt |
857th |
Transferred 458th BG |
Peterson, C E |
2nd Lt |
856th |
16 Apr Squadron Historian |
Peterson, K T |
Sgt |
492nd |
30 Jul MOS 405 to 055 |
Peterson, R E |
2nd Lt |
R-56 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Petrie, C R |
Sgt |
R-41 |
Interned 21 Jul 44, Switzerland |
Petrock, S |
Sgt |
858th |
19 Jun to 857th, MOS 747 |
Petrowsky, J A |
T/Sgt |
1234th |
30 Jul MOS 821 to 383 |
Peugeot, B P |
Pfc |
1234th |
n/a |
Pfeifer, T L |
2nd Lt |
917 |
Transferred group unknown |
Phillips, B D |
Cpl |
859th |
30 Jul MOS 060 to 590 |
Phillips, C W |
Sgt |
856th |
n/a |
Phillips, M H |
S/Sgt |
859th |
4 May transferred in, MOS 612 |
Piazza, F |
Pfc |
1261st |
n/a |
Picard, E E |
S/Sgt |
713 |
Completed 30 mission tour |
Pierce, A J |
Col |
492nd |
1943, Group Commander |
Pierce, D C |
S/Sgt |
717 |
POW 19 May 44 |
Pierce, D E |
S/Sgt |
601 |
KIA 20 Jun 44 |
Pipher, A |
Sgt |
479th |
n/a |
Pipkin, J B |
Sgt |
326th |
n/a |
Pique, J D Jr |
F/O |
R-22 |
Transferred 93rd BG |
Pirtle, J G |
S/Sgt |
811 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Pitcock, E R |
Sgt |
858th |
n/a |
Pitsenbarger, E D |
1st Lt |
R-26 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Pittman, R L |
Capt |
857th |
Assistant Operations Officer |
Planchard, A G |
T/Sgt |
479th |
n/a |
Platinsky, S |
1st Lt |
816 |
Interned 11 Jul 44, Switzerland |
Platts, S W |
Sgt |
1261st |
n/a |
Pleasant, D N |
S/Sgt |
809 |
KIA 7 Jul 44 |
Plucar, M C |
S/Sgt |
859th |
8 Jul transferred in, MOS 748 |
Plunkett, D A |
1st Lt |
702 |
Transferred 44th BG |
Podgers, Frederick W |
Sgt |
857 |
Ground Echelon, MOS 747 |
Polzin, G |
S/Sgt |
857th |
n/a |
Polzin, G A |
S/Sgt |
915 |
RTD, 18 Jun 44 |
Pompelli, J W |
Sgt |
R-34 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Ponikiewski, S |
Cpl |
479th |
n/a |
Pontius, D W |
T/Sgt |
R-36 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Poole, D N |
Pvt |
859th |
30 Jul MOS 521 to 590 |
Poriss, J |
1st Lt |
1450th |
Commander |
Porter, C D |
Pvt |
326th |
28 May to 1234th, MOS 345 |
Porter, N D |
2nd Lt |
R-49 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Porter, R A |
2nd Lt |
858th |
1943, Engineering Officer |
Porter, W O |
S/Sgt |
492nd |
28 May to 1450th |
Posner, T J  |
S/Sgt |
603 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Potter, F A |
Maj |
492nd |
Flight Surgeon, MOS 3162 |
Potti, J |
Cpl |
492nd |
n/a |
Poulos, J P |
2nd Lt |
858th |
1943, Armament Officer |
Povich, G |
S/Sgt |
711 |
Transferred 44th BG |
Powell, J C |
S/Sgt |
802 |
KIA 19 May 44 |
Powell, R M |
1st Lt |
856th |
n/a |
Powell, W E |
Pfc |
856th |
30 Jul MOS 521 to 590 |
Powell, W A |
S/Sgt |
326th |
squadron supply |
Powell, W I |
T/Sgt |
856th |
8 Jul transferred in, MOS 748 |
Power, B J |
Sgt |
857th |
18 May transferred in, MOS 826 |
Powers, H F |
1st Lt |
615 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Pratt, C C |
2nd Lt |
818 |
KIA 19 May 44 |
Pratt, D H |
Sgt |
856th |
n/a |
Pratt, J |
Sgt |
R-43 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Pratt, R E |
Cpl |
858th |
7 Jun MOS 521 to 747 |
Prazuch, P W Jr |
S/Sgt |
R-23 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Prescott, A J |
2nd Lt |
R-52 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Presti, P C |
S/Sgt |
809 |
POW 7 Jul 44 |
Prestigiacomo, R |
Sgt |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 928 |
Preston, D E |
S/Sgt |
714 |
Transferred 448th BG |
Prewitte, W V |
1st Lt |
916 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Price, C E |
Cpl |
857th |
Ground Echelon, MOS 345 |
Price, R M |
1st Lt |
859th |
8 Jun transferred in |
Price, R |
2nd Lt |
857th |
13 Apr in; Assistant Communications Officer |
Priley, JW |
S/Sgt |
R-18 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Primavera, A M |
Pfc |
326th |
n/a |
Prince, P G |
T/Sgt |
R-14 |
Transferred 801st/492nd BG |
Probst, E J |
S/Sgt |
857th |
11 Jul transferred in, MOS 866 |
Procknow, H O |
Cpl |
326th |
30 Jul MOS 510 to 590 |
Provino, J C |
S/Sgt |
479th |
n/a |
1st Lt |
907 |
Transferred 467th BG |
Puckett, O C |
2nd Lt |
R-11 |
POW 20 Jun 44 |
Pugliese, D J |
Sgt |
R-60 |
Transferred 467th BG |